Rachel: The Pretty Sister Part 5

They therefore handed over to Jacob all the foreign gods in their possession and also the rings they had in in their ears. (Genesis 34:4)

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  1. Genesis 35: 4, 16-28, 30:1

Finally, Rachel has come to a full faith in Jacob’s God and relinquishes all the household gods for Jacob to bury. Unfortunately, for Rachel her belief came too late in her life for God’s master plan. We see the royal priesthood as well as Jesus descending from Levi and Judah, Leah’s sons and not Rachel’s sons.

One final irony in Rachel’s life occurs when she dies. Throughout her life she thought she would die if she did not have children, instead she died during childbirth, giving birth to her second son, Benjamin.


Questions to Ponder:

  1. Rachel spent her whole life searching for intimacy and contentment from outside sources. She never looked to God. Do I search as Rachel searched only to find disappointment?
  2. Do I manipulate the circumstances of my life to achieve desired results?


The only way any of us can find true contentment is through an intimate relationship with God. By trying to manipulate the circumstances, we waste our time and energy. If we stop manipulating and ask God, He will supply all we need.


Lord Jesus, help me to find true contentment in an intimate relationship with you. Help me not to rely on my looks or other things of this world and only turn to you for my fulfillment. Amen.

All for the Glory of God,

Christina Weigand

Excerpted from Women of the Bible: A Study by Christina Weigand


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