Lorraine Carey Stopped by the Lair


It has been a while since Myrria has had anyone up to the lair, but today she invited Lorraine Carey back for a visit to talk about her new book The Good Teacher. Myrria thinks this series is shaping up to be a good edition to any library.

Carmen attempts to get Dani to Santa Fe ~


We headed up Interstate 25 doing about eighty miles an hour. “Just where’s the fire, lady?”

“There’s a storm coming, and I want to beat it,” she said with her eyes fixed straight ahead. “Besides, we have a noon appointment with Nina Santos.”

I was so tired and confused with everything I forgot to even ask about our lodging. “So where are we staying, pray tell?”

“I’ve booked us into La Moderna hotel. Two double beds, second floor, and breakfast is included,” she revealed.

Just the thought of breakfast had me queasy again. I had to lie down on the back seat for a bit. Maybe I could close my eyes, and it would stop.

“Holy Shit!” Carmen boomed

I jumped up. “What… what’s happening?”

I could see the dark clouds up ahead. They were headed straight for us. I don’t think I ever remember seeing such dark clouds as these before. They were thick and huge. The rain hit along with loud bursts of thunder. Then came the lightning. The rain was coming down in sheets.

“Pull over Carmen. I’m scared!”

Carmen drove a bit up ahead till we could faintly see a turn off into a small lot.

We sat as the car shook with the high winds and the rain pelted us from all sides. I thought the front windshield was going to give in.

“It’s going to be fine, Daniella. I had expected something like this. It’s all in line with being tested.”

“Being tested? What do you mean?”

“It’s a test of strength. The spell that was cast has built up energy, and because it went awry, low-lying negatives are trying to stop us by breaking this. You are the one who needs protection, not just your father. You are the gateway so to speak for paving the way to his soul release. There are those who want to usurp your power. They want to go along for the ride – and at a time when you are most vulnerable. It makes it easy for them.”

Them? I shivered. The rain pounded onto the windows. I covered my head and braced for shards of broken glass. We must have sat there for at least a half hour. It was not letting up. The winds were rocking the car back and forth. The rain had stopped, but it was black as pitch out there. It was as if our car was inside of a huge storm cloud.

“Carmen, maybe we need to get out of the car and lie on the ground like you do in a tornado.”

“No. We’re staying right here in the car. We’re far safer in here. They’re out there.”

“Who’s out there?”

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“Now you can’t be serious? Come on, Carmen!”

“You’ve heard of them, Dani. You grew up in New Mexico.”

“I’ve heard stories but mostly thought they were shifters who roamed cattle ranches at night.”

“Not just stories. Now hand me my bag, please.”

I was beginning to feel as though I was in an episode of the X-Files.

Carmen took out a small vial of oil and a small container of some light-colored powder. She added the powder to the oil. “I’ve got to seal all the windows and doors with this magic mix. It’s a mix of pure whitebark powder and Frankincense. It should keep them out.” Her voice was shaky, but she continued to speak. “They know you’re a high empath, and I a guardian. They can make us sick and murder us at worst.”

“Just cast one of your spells on them.” I was now in the front seat, and Carmen was in the back smearing the mixture on the doors and along the windows.

“Can’t. They’re in full power now. Our part is to see how we get through his. These are strong malevolent witches. They possess great knowledge of medicine and are also healers. To kill us would be a big win for them. They are feeding off of your powers Dani.”

Feeding? Witches? I could only hope I’d get through this thing alive. The chances were slim.

Buy Link: http://www.amazon.com/Good-Teacher-Women-Willow-Wood-ebook/dp/B01E3Z6AII/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1460557753&sr=8-1&keywords=the+good+teacher+lorraine+carey



Lorraine Carey is a veteran children’s reading specialist, teacher and an International Award-Winning Author. She has taught in many states in the US and provided reading services for students at a private school on Grand Cayman, where she lives with her husband. Six years ago she was a city gal, living in Orange County, California, where life was very different from the one she lives now. Trading in her fashionable heels for flip-flops was quite a change, but led to a lifestyle that allowed for a writing career to begin.


Her love for paranormal stories and urban legends began at a young age, when staying up all night to watch spooky movies or reading a scary book started a lifelong passion.


Published novels include: Losing Ground, a short memoir, followed by Mysteries of the Red Coyote Inn, Out of the Ashes, Jonathan’s Locket and The Last Vestal Virgin. All of these novels are paranormal with a mix of historical fiction, woven with urban legends. Beloved Sacrifice is a Supernatural Thriller for Young Adults to Adults. A Rock Star Reader by Kindergarten is a self-help guide for parents on creating a successful reader and lifelong lover of literacy.


Most recent works include The Good Teacher, which is book 1 in the series, Women of the Willow Wood. This series is in the occult and suspense genre.


When not writing you can find Lorraine reading, beach- hopping, snorkeling, or boating around the island with her husband on their boat, the Angelica.

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