Chapter 2 Myrria’s Legacy

Darby Continues

When I got up the next morning my room seemed normal.  Maybe it was just a dream. Mamma came in to make sure I was getting ready for school. I told her about the dream. She just shook her head and gave me a hug. “Darby, you have a very active imagination, but it was just a dream. I wouldn’t pay too much attention to it.”

“But Mamma, it seemed so real and look,” I pulled the stones from under my pillow. “She left another stone. I only had three and now I have four.”

“Honey, they’re just stones. You probably misplaced one and just now found it.”

“No, Mamma, Myrria left it for me. She said God had a mission for me and she would come back and tell me about it. Mamma I saw her.” I started crying. Mamma hates it when I cry.

“Okay Darby enough of this silliness, put the stones away and get ready for school. We leave in ten minutes and you better be ready to go.” She left me standing in the room with a handful of stones and stomped down the stairs to get my breakfast.

Mamma never believes me, but I know what I saw last night. I saw a dragon and she would be back. I would show Mamma and everybody else. I wasn’t just any nine –year old. God had a mission for me.

I put the stones in my backpack, got dressed and headed downstairs. Daddy was sitting at the table waiting for me. “Are you giving your mother trouble again young lady?”

“No Daddy, I just told her about my dream, but she doesn’t believe me. She never believes me, says I have a vivid imagination. I was telling the truth. I did see a dragon last night and she told me God has plans for me.” I started crying again.

Daddy wrapped me in a big bear hug. “Shh, don’t cry baby. Mamma’s stressed out, the baby hasn’t slept well and she has a lot on her mind with her new job. Why don’t we keep your dreams between you and me? That way you won’t worry Mamma and maybe things will be a little quieter around here.”

“Daddy you believe me don’t you?”

“Of course I do, baby. But let’s not tell Mamma.” Just then Mamma walked into the kitchen.

“Not tell me what? Jack you aren’t encouraging her are you? She needs to let go of these fantasies and grow up.”

“Evie, a child needs her dreams, leave her be.”

“No she needs to quit dreaming and get to school. I don’t have time for this today, Darby get your jacket it’s time to go.”

I gave Daddy one last look, a kiss on the cheek, then a hug. I grabbed my jacket and went to the car.

When we got to school, I jumped out of the car before Mamma had a chance to say anymore about Emmie or my dreams. In the classroom I looked for Emmie and Bobby. Only Bobby was there. “Dad stopped by Mel’s to pick her up. Her mom said she was still ill and wasn’t going to school.”

I felt bad again. Did I make Emmie sick by worrying about a bunch of stones?  Was this all my fault? I went to my desk and laid my head down. Emmie was sick and it was my fault. But Myrria said she was okay. Maybe it was a dream like Mamma said; maybe I should forget all about it and put the stones in the garden. But I know they glowed and Myrria was in my room.

After school, we went to visit Emmie. Bobby picked up the work she missed. While his mom was driving I tried to talk to him about my dream. He didn’t want to listen. All he talked about was the soccer game on Saturday. He and I played on a team at the YMCA and one of his older brothers was the coach. Bobby really likes sports. If he could all he would do was play ball, any type of ball, basketball, football, baseball, soccer, anything. I liked sports too, but not as much as Bobby. So I quit talking about my dream and listened to him.

Then I heard it, a little voice whispering in my ear, “Give him the stone, the one I left last night.” Huh, I saw Myrria last night and she left me the stone. Now she wanted me to give it away. I couldn’t give it to Bobby, it was mine. I found it. He didn’t even believe they were magic. “Give him the stone.” I opened my bag and pulled out the extra stone. His Mom stopped at a red light that was now green. She started to pull into the intersection when we saw a white truck come flying right at us. Bobby’s mom stopped the car really fast and the truck passed us. I looked at the stone. It was glowing. I handed it to Bobby.

His hand shook as he took it. “What’s this and why’s it glowing?” The shaking in his hand stopped and his breathing slowed. “Wow Mom, that was close.”

“No kidding, Bobby. Look down the street.” Bobby and I looked out the window. Down at the end of the street was the truck and it had run into a tree. “We were lucky, that could’ve been us instead of that tree. I hope the driver is okay.” His mom pulled the car to the side of the road and got out. “You two stay here. I’m going to see if he needs any help.” She took out her cell and dialed nine-one-one as she walked to the truck.

“Why did you give me this stone?”

“How does it make you feel? Are you feeling any better, calmer, maybe like you’ve just gotten a hug?”

“Yeah, but that’s silly it’s just a stone. How could it do that?”

“I’ve been trying to tell you, but all you wanted to do was talk about was soccer. Last night a dragon named Myrria came to my room and she left the stone. Just before that truck drove by a voice told me to give it to you. The voice sounded like Myrria. And now you have the same feeling that I got the other day in the cave and Emmie got yesterday when we waited for the ambulance. Like someone giving you a big hug. Myrria told me she’s a messenger from God and here to prepare us for a mission. I don’t know what’s going on, but whatever it is, it’s serious.”

Bobby tried to hand the stone back. I wouldn’t take it. He shrugged his shoulders and put it in his pocket. His mother came back when the police arrived. The driver was Rocky’s big brother. He got out of the truck and was talking to the police.
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“Mom, what’s wrong with him?”

Bobby’s mom got back in the car. “I’m not sure, but I think he has been drinking or taken some medicine. He shouldn’t have been driving. Thank goodness we saw him before he could hurt someone. I think the police are taking him down to the station and calling his grandparents. Someone really needs to keep an eye on those boys.” We drove to Emmie’s. That night Myrria came back.

“Thank you for sharing the stone. They’re gifts from God and not to be hoarded. When you share them you share God’s love and protection.”

“So what about my mission, I’m not sure Bobby believes me and I haven’t talked to Emmie. I don’t know what she thinks?”

“Don’t worry about them, they’ll believe when they’re ready. I’m preparing them just as I’m preparing you.”

“Can you tell me more about what God wants me to do?”

“Not yet child, but soon. You’re almost ready. Do you still have the other stones?”

“Yes, but what do they have to do with anything, aren’t they just dumb stones?

“Darby, you already know they aren’t dumb stones. Three times now they have proven they are more and yet you doubt. Why?”

“Well Mamma, Daddy and Bobby say they are and I have a vivid imagination. She says it’s time for me to quit dreaming.”

Myrria reached out and stroked Darby’s mousy brown hair. “I’m sorry she said that. Your mother has had a lot of trouble in her life and it’s made her hard and unbelieving. You must believe what I tell you is the truth and someday she’ll see it too.”

“Okay if you say so, I still wish you would tell me what the mission’s all about though.”

“Soon you’ll know more, be aware though one will come before you who needs your help. Be ready.”

“What do you mean? Who’s going to need me?”

 “In time my dear, in time. Remember God always loves you.” Myrria faded from my vision. My stones glowed. I fell asleep in their warmth embraced by God’s love.

 Things have been quiet for the last few days. I didn’t see Myrria again and Emmie came back to school. Everything seemed okay, like maybe Mamma was right and I dreamed everything. Even the stones hadn’t glowed.

Rocky hadn’t been to school, so things were fun. I didn’t say anymore to Mamma about the stones or the dragon. I didn’t even tell her about the accident with Bobby’s mom.

Last night I dreamed again. Rocky and his brother were being chased by a dragon; it was different from Myrria. The dragon was brown with red wings. Blood was dripping from its mouth. Rocky and Tank stopped running and turned to face the dragon. The dragon landed in front of Rocky. It bent its long sinewy neck down to Rocky’s eye level. Then he looked at the other dragon flying with him. “He’ll do.” He returned his gaze to Rocky. “Get on my back and your friend can get on Damien’s back. We’ve a long way to go.”

Rocky backed away, but Damien swung his big tail and knocked him to the ground. Bjorn, the leader reached out his clawed arm and lifted Tank onto Damien’s back, then Damien lifted Rocky onto Bjorn’s back. The clouds parted revealing a full moon. Then I saw the field. It was covered in blood. The dragons took flight. I woke up. I was shaking all over and my body was drenched in sweat. Daddy came into my room and hugged me until I stopped crying, then he asked what I had dreamed. I told him while he rubbed my back. “Daddy, what does it mean? What happened to Rocky?”

“Baby, I can’t answer those questions. We just have to trust God to know the answers and he’ll tell you when the time is right.” I laid my head on his big chest and fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, Daddy was gone and my stones were in my hands, glowing and keeping me warm.

It was Saturday with a soccer game in the afternoon. Daddy took me to the game, Mamma and baby Jane were both sick. We met Bobby, Emmie and her mom at the field. Emmie and her mom sat with Daddy while Bobby and I warmed up. Just as the game was about to start I looked out past the goal and saw Rocky, Tank and a group of their friends carrying bags and walking across the neighboring field. My skin felt prickly and tingly. What were they doing here? They didn’t like sports and never played or attended the games. This could only mean they were here to make trouble, but what kind of trouble?

The referee blew the whistle to start the game. We lined up. Bobby played goalie and I played forward. I passed the ball to Justin, my right winger. He ran down the field toward the other goal. He passed the ball back to me.  An opposing player crossed in front of us, intercepted the ball and headed in the opposite direction.  He broke away from the group, got past our defenders, then shot and scored. Bobby had tried to block it but it went over his head.

It was only the beginning, it seemed as if we couldn’t score and the other team kept stealing and scoring. Finally halftime, we were losing six to nothing and unhappy. The coach tried to cheer us up with a pep talk. Meanwhile Rocky and Tank stood on the opposite sideline and called us names like wimps, sissies and losers. Coach told us to ignore them and focus on the game. It was really hard to do with them yelling. Half the people were angry and telling them to leave, while the other half started cheering. We couldn’t hear what the coach or the referees were telling us. When the second half started the other team scored right away.

Suddenly a tomato flew onto the field and then a second one. The second one hit me in the back of the head. Another one hit Bobby on the arm. Soon tomatoes and other rotted vegetables were flying. The players were running for cover while the coaches and referees tried to stop the melee on the other side of the field. Then Rocky and Tank came onto the field headed for Bobby and me.

“Well look, if it isn’t a couple of losers. Hey, Tank. Aren’t these the two that got you arrested the other day.”

“You know what, Rocky; I think you’re right. If it hadn’t been for them my truck wouldn’t have hit that tree. Oh, and I think his mom called the police on me. It’s kind of like they wanted me to go to jail and I didn’t do anything to them. Can you believe there are people like them, wanting to send an innocent man to jail because they don’t know how to drive?” Tank shook his head. “I think we’re going to have to do something about this, maybe teach them a little lesson. Grab them. It’s time for a ride.”

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