Ultimate Blog Challenge: Day 23: What to Expect When Meeting a Dragon: Part II


Yesterday I discussed the differences in dragons size as related to their color. But size is not the only thing that is different based on color. Their personalities, habitats and their favorite treasure is influenced by their color.

Dragons can be divided into two groups: Chromatic dragons and Metallic dragons. Today I will talk about two of the Chromatic dragons leaving the remaining to explore over the next few days.  One thing I wanted to clear up from yesterday’s post: You may have noticed that with some dragons I referred to them as she or he. It was not meant to be interpreted as meaning that there was only that gender in a particular color. Each color has both genders and the designation within my description was only for my convenience. So all colors are able to mate and reproduce within their color designation. Now on to today’s post: Chromatic Dragons: Included in the Chromatic Dragons are black, blue, green, red and white. Each of these colored dragons have distinct personalities and habitats.

Black Dragons: These creatures tend to be foul-tempered dragons. They are evil, mean and extremely cunning. They have no natural enemies and will attack and usually kill anything that crosses their path. You would be well advised not to cross their path.

They usually fight for their mates. The females do most of the fighting, flying great distances in search of a mate and then fighting to impress him. After eggs are laid near the males lair and he is left to guard the young. The black dragons are very protective of their young, but give the offspring little support except for an occasional piece of advice. As the offspring get older they will be advised to leave the lair or be eaten.

Their lairs are generally found in boggy swamps, but will can be found anywhere water and dense vegetation are together. Lairs are made in large, damp caves or multi-chambered submerged caverns. There is  a submerged entrance and a land entrance which are usually hidden by dense plant growth.

The black dragons favorite treasure is coins. They will harass humans to find stashes of coins and then kill them.
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Blue Dragons: Blue dragons are much friendlier, talkative and outgoing than their black counterparts. Although they will serve the causes of Darkness just as willingly They are also very territorial and vain.

Lairs are usually found in the desert or dry steppes. They have vast underground caverns, the grander the better. These are often found at the base of cliffs where windblown sand has accumulated. The dragon will burrow through the sand to reach the caves below. They don’t keep the entrances clear of sand but burrow to get in or out, and in fact may bury their entrances while they sleep or leave to scout their territory.

They love to fly especially at the hottest part of the day and because of their color they blend in with the sky and can be hard to spot.

Blue dragons have elaborate courtship and mating rituals involving exchanges of food and treasure. Older dragons may have multiple mates over the course of their lives, but infidelity is rare. As parents they are attentive to their young and do not leave the eggs unguarded.

 Blue dragons love gems especially sapphires and think of caravans as a handy place to collect them.

Tomorrow we will take a look at Green dragons, Red Dragons, and White Dragons. So until then, Bensvelk Kear (Good Day in Dragon).

Ultimate Blog Challenge: Day 22: What to Expect When Meeting a Dragon


Like people, dragons come in all different sizes, shapes and colors. In a previous post I talked about their colors and the breath weapons that accompany those colors. Today I want to take a look at size.

In actuality their color and size are related although I suspect that there is always one that doesn’t fit the set mold.

The black dragon usually weighs in at a cool 160,000 pounds with a forty foot wingspan and a height of sixteen feet. The blue dragon is the same in all but the wingspan. Hers is a whopping eighty feet.

A green dragon comes in a little shorter at ten feet, but still has the weight and wingspan of the blue.

I’m thinking this next dragon is by far the largest and most fearsome of all the dragons. He will measure in a twenty two feet tall and weigh 1,280,000 pounds. And his wingspan is nothing to sneeze at, measuring 150 feet.

With the white dragon we are back to a more normal size. They are generally sixteen feet tall and weigh 160,000 pounds. There wingspan has been measured at seventy two feet.

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The bronze dragon joins the green dragon in height and weight and wingspan. The copper dragon checks in at sixteen feet tall, weighing 160,000 pounds and an eighty foot wingspan.

The gold dragon. Here take note that I misspoke when talking about the red dragon. The gold dragon matches the height and weight of the red dragon. Her wingspan is a bit smaller at 135 feet. She also tends fight for good instead of the evil the red dragon is famous for.

And finally the silver dragon. He falls into the large category of the red and gold dragon with a wingspan of 150 feet, but the same weight and height.

Needless to say I wouldn’t want to meet these dragons in a dark alley, not that they would fit unless it was a big alley.

Like the colors and size their personalities and habitat are as varied as humans. But,I will leave personality and habitats for another post. I will give you a hint though they are not what you expect. So until tomorrow, bensvelk thurkear (good night in dragon).