Ultimate Blog Challenge

So I’m a day late, but not a dollar short. I signed up to participate in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. It started yesterday, but I was not ready to do a post, today I am.

So what do I talk about, with this headache pounding at my brain it is hard to think about my goals for the upcoming year, but I’ll have a go at it. It will help my word count for the day at least.

So where would I like to see this blog and my books go this year:

  1. A sequel for Palace of the Twelve Pillars has been started, so I’d like to finish that this year.
  2. There is a short story with a whole new character and story that I would like to write before February for an anthology.
  3. Finish the final book in Sir E. Robert Smythe series like now so I can get it submitted.
  4. Continue to promote YA and MG books.
  5. Continue to work on my Catholic history series.
  6. Leave myself open to new projects.
  7. Edit anything that may come up.

That looks like a full year to me and Myrria agrees. The dragons are all fidgeting for new stories and completion of already started stories. So here we go.



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