Inebriate Me With the Spirit of God

For where two or three are gathered in my name, I AM there among them. (Matthew 18:20)


I spend a lot of time praying along, not that that is a bad thing, in fact it is a good thing.  Do you ever wonder why you have to go to church or some other faith based function? Have you ever thought I don’t need to go to church or another Bible study; I do just fine on my own? Last night I rediscovered the answer. Keep in mind I do go to church on a weekly basis, usually and participate in a Bible study group.

Anyway, I had the privilege to go to a Mercy Me/Jeremy Camp concert last night. This is the third year in a row that I have had the wonderful opportunity to go to the concert of a Christian band. At first look the concert seemed a little disappointing, not because of the bands, but because of the crowd size.  There should have been more people there, more people wanting to praise God. Then Jeremy Camp came on the stage and all my disappointment disappeared. I became a part of the music and the prayer that was occurring in that stadium. It didn’t take long to be swept up into the glory of the moment, the presence of Jesus. People standing up swinging to the music, singing along, worshipping God. It didn’t make any difference that the stadium wasn’t quite full, because God was there.

So back to my original query, why go to church or faith based function? Why, because God is there, His Spirit sweeps the crowd. Things happen to you that you don’t expect wouldn’t think you had in you. Usually I am a quiet, reserved person, but when I get to one of those concerts I become inebriated, and not on alcohol, but on God. The Spirit fills me and bleeds out to the person next to me and next to him. It is like a tidal wave washing away all my fears, worries, inhibitions and replacing them with a joy in faith in God. You may be saying that happens at any type of concert, but I’m not sure that it is God sweeping the stadium or worship space. A special thing happens when one worships God with a crowd of believers. The Spirit moves you; you want to share the feeling with everyone. It gives you courage and inspiration.  God is there.

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Most gracious and awesome Jesus, teach me to pray. Show me how and when to pray whether by myself or with a crowd. Inebriate me with the power of your Spirit and give me the courage to spread your word to the world. This I pray to your most magnificent Son, Jesus. Amen.

Go and Be Inebriated, God Bless,
