Ruth: The Loving Daughter-in-Law


Then the women said to Naomi, “Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without next of kin and may his name be renowned in Israel. (Ruth 4:14)

Read and ponder Ruth 4:14

Ruth’s acts are rewarded when she is assured her son’s name will be famous in all ofIsrael.


Question to Ponder:

1.  Do I sacrifice what I want so someone else may benefit?



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The definition of duty is sacrificing what we want so someone else may benefit. This is what Ruth and Naomi did for each other. Naomi was downcast after the death of her husband and sons. Instead of focusing on her own sadness, she directed all her energy on the future of Ruth. Ruth followed Naomi’s lead. Her only motivation is her love for Naomi and that motivation is pleasing to God.

If we are focusing on our own happiness, we are getting in God’s way. Just because a need presents itself does not mean we have to respond to it. Like Ruth, we need to consider the needs of others through the eyes of love with God in our hearts.



Lord Jesus, Make me more like Ruth, willing to listen and heed my elders and extend a helping hand to those in need. Let me see past my own selfish needs to consider others. Amen.


All for the Glory of God,

Christina Weigand

Excerpted from Women of the Bible: A Study by Christina Weigand

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