K is for Kningrad

K is for Kningrad. The Kningrad are allies with the Cratonites. The king of the Kningrad, King Eyvindur is Joachim’s father-in-law and a close friend to King Theodric.

The Kningrad live in Imherp and their royal city is Frieburg. There is also a hidden village that only a few can find because of the magical shields placed on it, Thael. It is there that Princess Enit will be sent after her twin brother is kidnapped and before she is old enough to go to Dietfried Academy for training as an adept.

The Kningrad look similar to J.R. R. Tolkein’s elves in The Lord of the Rings although there are a few family’s that just like humans aren’t the norm. The Master Adept and teacher Croifan as well as Queen Fiona are short and pudgy instead of the tall willowy Kningrad that one expects to find.

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