Hagar: The Scorned Slave Part 2

  • … so she demanded of Abraham: “Drive out that slave and her son! No son of that slave is going to share the inheritance with my son Isaac!” (Genesis 21:10)
  • Genesis 21: 8-21

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Hagar witnesses the birth of a long awaited son to her mistress. Again, we see a rise in the tensions between Hagar and Sarah. The difference in this dispute is Sarah demands Abraham to drive Hagar and her son, Ishmael away. Hagar leaves because she has no choice, but God once again intervenes. First, He instructs Abraham to take care of Ishmael. Secondly, He does not let Hagar and her son die in the desert.

Questions to Ponder:

  1. When Hagar is at her lowest and the way seems darkest, she calls out to God and then looks for His answer. Where do I turn when I am in my lowest, darkest place?



Many women today find themselves in situations where they feel as if they have no control. What many do not see is they do have some control and it is the most important control of all. They control their response and connection to God. If they reach through their darkness into God’s pinpoint of light and then follow God’s lead, they find their way through the darkness.




Lord Jesus, please stay within my grasp, so when the darkness comes I may reach out to you and find my way home. Amen.

All for the Glory of God,

Christina Weigand

Excerpted from Women of the Bible: A Study,  by Christina Weigand

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