Author Blog Challenge: Day 20



Did you publish your book as a traditionally printed book, an eBook, an audiobook, or all three? How did you come to your decision? Which company(ies) did you use for printing, formatting, recording, editing, and distribution? How did you select them?

Okay days 18 and 19 were a wash. I had a lot on the plate and didn’t get a chance to write, but I am back today.

My trilogy are traditionally published ebooks and God-willing my publisher will also have them in print by the end of the year. My Bible study on the other hand was originally a traditionally published ebook but after a year my publisher ended the contract, although since it was an ebook it remained available on Amazon. In May of this year through CreateSpace I reformatted Women of the Bible and made it available in print as well as ebook. I just checked Barnes and Noble and discovered the print version is available there also.

TheTwelvePillarsbundleThe traditional vs non-traditional debate had different results with the two different books. With the trilogy after having a bad experience with vanity publishing and spending more money than I ever made on getting the book printed, I decided traditional publishing was the way to go. I had queried several publishers and either got rejections or heard nothing. Then I did what at that time was a non traditional pitch with Lea Schizas of MuseItUp Publishing. For me the pitch was non traditional in that it was online. It had all the same ingredients as your standard pitch except that I was keying it in on my keyboard from my office and Lea’s responses were received on my computer screen. I can tell you that it was no less nerve racking and my fingers were shaking so bad that I had trouble typing.

Links to purchase:

MuseItUp Publishing:

Palace of the Twelve Pillars Bundle Amazon:


51vK90XiXDL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_As for the Bible study like I already mentioned it had already been with a traditional publisher and although their name was no longer on the book it was still available on Amazon. The easy path to get it into print was to go through CreateSpace. In my situation the only cost to me was getting a proof copy and then buying a few of the books to have for gifts or to sell.

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Links to Purchase:

Amazon Print:

Amazon Kindle:

Barnes and Noble Print:



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