Ace Hansen Visits

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Welcome to Ace Hansen. His new book Julius Caeser Brown and the Green Gas Mystery looks like an exciting middle grade read. Enjoy the excerpts.
Blurb: The world is farting green! Who will stop the green gas crisis?
 crazy alien
 Chapter 1

The real Julius Caesar conquered the world.

All I wanted was to conquer a simple spelling test.

“Having trouble, Salad Boy?”

I set down my pencil and glared at Ben Purdee, the brainiest kid in fifth grade. “No problem.”

Yes I had a problem. And it wasn’t just how to spell brocolee.

Mrs. Tucker closed her book. “Time’s up. Pass them forward.”

I handed Ivy my test and pushed my chair away from my desk. The legs scraped the floor and made a loud, embarrassing noise.

Ivy Chen stared, her brown eyes wide as pie.

Ben nudged me and smirked. “Did you just—?”

“No! It was my chair. See?” I scooted back and forth trying to remake the suspicious sound, but I couldn’t. Ben moved his desk away from mine. Ivy’s nose twitched. My cheeks grew hot. “It really was the chair,” I mumbled.

Bio:   Ace Hansen doesn’t pass green gas. The author grew up in a household of boys and knows all about deadly stinkers, tree houses, and scary neighbors.
     Ace enjoys all kinds of creepy things and has been known to devour entire bags of worms* while writing outrageous fiction.
*Gummy, of course. What were you thinking?
If you’d like to learn more about Ace (of course you do!) you can find him on:
If you’d like to purchase JULIUS CAESAR BROWN AND THE GREEN GAS MYSTERY it’s available as an ebook now and is coming in print Fall 2013:
Thanks for stopping by Ace and good luck with green aliens.

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